As experienced traffic ticket defense attorneys, we’ve received an influx of callers who were charged with driving with a Suspended Registration, called Operation Following Suspension of Registration in Pennsylvania. Many of these callers either paid the fine, plead guilty or were found guilty after a hearing, not realizing what the consequences were. Before taking action on your citation for driving with a suspended registration, learn more about the possible consequences.

Operation Following Suspension of Registration in Pennsylvania Defined

The traffic violation for driving with a suspended registration is entitled "Operation Following Suspension of Registration” under Section 1371(a) of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code. Under this section, no person can drive a vehicle with a suspended registration, or allow their vehicle to be driven by others if the registration is suspended. Put simply, you can’t drive or let others drive your car if the registration was suspended by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

Penalty for a Suspended Registration Violation

The penalties for a Suspended Registration violation are found at Sections 1371(b) and 1532(b)(4) of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code, and are quite harsh. If you plead guilty, pay the fine, or are found guilty after a hearing, you face the following penalties:

  • A mandatory 3-month driver’s license suspension;

  • A fine ranging from $100 to $500, not including court costs;

  • The violation is recorded to your Pennsylvania Certified Driver’s History;

  • A possible increase in insurance rates

What to do if cited for Operation Following Suspension of Registration in Pittsburgh or Western Pennsylvania

Do not plead guilty to this violation and lose your driver’s license as a result. Although you have to respond quickly to a citation, it is recommended that you first seek a free telephone consultation with an experienced traffic ticket defense firm in the location where you were cited. If you were cited in Pittsburgh or Western Pennsylvania, call the Zuckerman Law Firm today at 412-447-5580. Our firm has helped drivers avoid a mandatory 90-day license suspension at both Magisterial District Courts and at Summary Appeal hearings scheduled before the Court of Common Pleas.