Construction Worker Avoids Felony Convictions for Illegal Home Entry

The Zuckerman Law Firm recently represented a construction worker accused of Criminal Trespass, a felony of the third degree punishable by up to 7 years in jail. He stood accused of entering another person's home without permission while under the influence of alcohol. As a gainfully employed construction worker with a past criminal record, a conviction for this offense could have led to his incarceration and loss of employment. 

The client was represented by Attorney Zuckerman, who referred the client for a drug and alcohol assessment. On the preliminary hearing date, a deal was worked out where the client plead to simple trespasser and public drunkenness summary offenses, receiving credit for time served. In short, the felonies were dropped to the lowest possible criminal offenses where no additional fines became due. 

This resolution was ideal under the circumstances, eliminating the need for a costly and stressful trial.